Preparing IFIP WCC 2018
11 Jul, 2017, Warsaw, Poland
Mike Hinchey - IFIP President, Leon Strous - past IFIP President, Jerzy Nawrocki, and Robert Wrembel visiting the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Digital Affairs - Krzysztof Szubert.

11 Jul, 2017, Warsaw, Poland
Mike Hinchey, Leon Strous, Jerzy Nawrocki, and Robert Wrembel meeting Prof. Paweł Rowiński - the vice-President of the Polish Academy of Science (PAS), Prof. Antoni Rogalski - a full member of PAS, and Dr. Anna Plater-Zyberk - a Director of PAS.

12 Jul, 2017, Poznań, Poland
Mike Hinchey and Leon Strous visiting the venue of IFIP WCC 2018 - the campus of Poznan University of Technology.

12 Jul, 2017, Poznań, Poland
Mike Hinchey and Leon Strous meeting the Rector of the Poznan University of Technology - Prof. Tomasz Łodygowski and the Dean of the Faculty of Computing - Prof. Andrzej Jaszkiewicz.

12 Jul, 2017, Poznań, Poland
Mike Hinchey and Leon Strous meeting the Director of the Institute of Computing Sciences at Poznan University of Technology.