Visit the Beyond Data Center 2

20 Sep, 2018, 15:00-17:00 (departing from the WCC 2018 venue: 14:30, returning to the venue: 17:30)

The Data Center is the most modern in Europe. You will be able to see:
  • a spectacular security checking,
  • redundant, fail-resistant power generators,
  • farms of super-servers,
  • a state of the art cooling installations,
  • and much more.

The organizers of WCC 2018 will provide a bus to the Data Center and back to the WCC 2018 venue.

In order to enroll on the tour, send an email to not later than by 1 Sep. In the email provide your first & last name and ID or Passport No. (each participant must carry his/her ID or Passport to enter the company's premises).

The number of allowed participants is limited to 40 and the list will be created on the first-in-first-served basis.

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WCC 2018 has started!

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